Monday, February 27, 2017


I made a game about the influence of drugs on the community. The druggie needs drugs but the drugs impair the druggie. The family accompanies the druggie, hates the drugs but is confused by the druggie. The doctor helps the druggie and the druggie accompanies the doctor, and the dr. hates the drugs. The church helps everyone and hates the drugs. It is a super complicated relationship chart.

The information provided explores the difficult balancing act family and community has to deal with when drugs enter the picture. It is so hard to support and yet be deeply upset on how the druggie is behaving. The aesthetics of this game is very simple- which I like. In fact I, like Nephi, Delight in plainness. I like how it is kinda cartoony. It makes this conversation much more approachable.

I would love to do this for a particular play, charting out the different relationships that exist in a show- how a character reacts to another character or a group of characters.
I can see how this kind of a project would be helpful in my classroom. I can't wait to help them do this! Yay teaching!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Textual poaching

My artistic piece that i am engaging with is the Indiana Jones. I've always loved the movies, and Harrison Ford's portrayal of this iconic character- with his whip, hat, and leather jacket.

Me and my whip!

The smolder.

Falling! Aaaaah!

For this textual poaching I decided to use this character and upload a series of photos of me in similar action shots. The relationship between me and the character is that- I am an actor! I am a Male! and I have a leather Jacket!
I found that as I approached these photos I found myself uncomfortable with the amount of chest that is visible in the iconic moments. Being raised in the LDS faith I have been taught that modesty is one of the ways we show respect to ourselves and to our God. It was interesting in this project to find that my own sensibilities crept in and maintained my standards.
Modesty is often only associated with the female body- it was refreshing to have to grapple with my own modesty as a man and balance that with the expectations of the character, the fan base, and the world at large- because, really, who cares if a man exposes his nipples?
If I were to adapt this project to my classroom- I would have them adapt a popular character from film- or even theatre in general, and have them translate them into a different culture. For example- Arthur in a Jewish culture, or Iron man the Japanese samurai. I would explore what choices they made to adapt the character to the culture and I would stress the importance of respectfully representing the other cultures being explored.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Process Piece

This audio sketch records the Human process of taking a shower. Please be advised: the following contains nudity.

The piece consists of three parts:
Beginning- the shower is turned on and the subject pulls back the curtain and enters the shower.
Middle- the subject proceeds to wash themselves.
End- the shower is turned off and the subject pulls back the curtain and exits the shower.

The content records the various sounds encountered during a shower- Namely: Water turning on and off, Shower curtain movement, and splashing. It is a celebration of the everyday, the mundane, the simple.

By bringing focus to this process the artist is calling for cleanliness!